The use of credit cards has increased more than before. It is often seen that a person has more than one bank credit card. Each credit card statement password pattern is different in most cases. Sometimes the first 4 digits of the card and the date of birth are seen, sometimes the first 4 letters of the name and the date of birth etc.
We will tell you through this post what will be the password of any bank credit card. If the credit card statement password you are looking for is not in this post, please mention it in the comments.
SBI Credit Card Statement Password
SBI Credit Card Statement Password is a combination of two components – the customer’s Date of Birth in DDMMYYYY format followed by the last 4 digits of the card number. The complete password will consist of 12 digits.
Example: If your Date of Birth is 13.08.1996 and the last 4 digits of your card are 1234 then your password will be 130819961234
HDFC Credit Card Statement Password
HDFC Credit Card Statement Password has 2 combinations.
Combination 1: Combination 1 consists of two components, i.e., the first 4 letters of your name (UPPERCASE only) engraved on the card followed by the last 4 digits of the card number.
Example 1: If the name engraved on the card is R Singh and the last 4 digits of your card number are 1234 then your pass will be RSIN1234
Example 2: If the name engraved on the card is Ratan Sharma and the last 4 digits of your card number are 1234 then your pass will be RATA1234
Combination 2: Combination 2 also consists of two components, i.e., the first 4 letters of your name (UPPERCASE only) engraved on the card followed by the Date of Birth in DDMM format.
Example 1: If the name engraved on the card is R Singh and your Date of Birth is 04.10.1985 then your pass will be RSIN0410
Example 2: If the name engraved on the card is Ratan Sharma and your Date of Birth is 10.07.1985 then your pass will be RATA1007
Axis Bank Credit Card Statement Password
Axis Bank Credit Card Statement Password has 2 combinations.
Combination 1: Combination 1 of Axis Bank Credit Card Statement Password consists of 2 components – the first 4 letters of your name (UPPERCASE only) mentioned in your credit card account followed by the Date of Birth in DDMM format.
Axis Bank Credit Card Statement Password Example:
If your name is R Sharma and your date of birth is 07.10.1995 then your password will be RSHA0710
Combination 2: Combination 2 of Axis Bank Credit Card Statement Password also consists of 2 components – the first 4 letters of your name (UPPERCASE only) mentioned in your credit card account followed by the last 4 digits of the card number.
Axis Bank Credit Card Statement Password Example:
If your name is Raj Singh and your card number is 009001234 then your password will be RAJS1234
ICICI Credit Card Statement Password
ICICI Credit Card Statement Password combination consists of 2 components. The first 4 letters of your name (lowercase only) as displayed on your Credit Card followed by your date of birth in DDMM format.
Example: If the name on your Credit Card is Ramesh Singh and your date of birth is 08.10.1987, then your password will be rame0810.
The credit card you want to know about may be not mentioned here, then write to us in the comment section and we will surely help you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Normally the credit card statement email sent to us contains a description of the password.
ICICI Credit Card Statement Password combination consists of 2 components. The first 4 letters of your name (lowercase only) as displayed on your Credit Card followed by your date of birth in DDMM format.
SBI Credit Card Statement Password is a combination of two components – the customer’s Date of Birth in DDMMYYYY format followed by the last 4 digits of the card number. The complete password will consist of 12 digits.
Combination 1: Combination 1 consists of two components, i.e., the first 4 letters of your name (UPPERCASE only) engraved on the card followed by the last 4 digits of the card number.
Combination 2: Combination 2 also consists of two components, i.e., the first 4 letters of your name (UPPERCASE only) engraved on the card followed by the Date of Birth in DDMM format.